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Looking to make a change in your yard focused around Ontario native plants?

You are only as strong as your guiding principals. These are ours...

Design Ecosystems, 

Not Gardens

Image by J Dean of a butterfly on a ontario native sunflower
Image by Rodion Kutsaiev of the sky

No Invasive Plants

Image by Rodion Kutsaiev of the sky
Image by Corina Rainer of ottawa native plants

Native Plant Focused,

Non Native Sprinkles

Image by Annie Spratt of Ottawa native plants
Image by Eddy Boom of conflowers blooming an ontario native plant

Big, Bold, and Colourful

Image by Eddy Boom of purple coneflower an ottawa native plant
a plant dried up just before winter

 Design for Death

birchbark pattern

Want to know more about our guiding principals?

birchbark pattern

Do these principles align with yours?

Let's schedule a call!

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